Dear parent,

Are you excited about your child learning to read, write and do maths? But do you know about the underlying skills needed, to easily learn these skills?

My name is Ingrid Ratcliffe, ( PhD Occupational Therapy) and I have worked with children for over 30 years. I, like many of you, were extremely excited when my children started grade 1. I was lucky enough to be prepared myself, therefore not having to worry about my children being ready. I soon learned, that this was a concern for many parents and I spent much time reassuring them.
I was often told that my children were "lucky", as I knew what to do with them. Having worked in the school system for many years, I've had much interaction with educators, speech therapists, psychologists, medical doctors, physiotherapists and of course you, the parent. Having dealt with many children that struggled with this process of learning-to-read, learning-to-write and understanding numbers, I have developed programs to assist these children. In fact, many children did not have problems, but were just not stimulated correctly, thus leading to academic difficulties.
I have often been approached by friends asking me about spatial perception, the vestibular system, crossing the midline, or any other term that is currently in fashion.  So I thought that there are probably many mothers, fathers or caregivers out there, that do have these questions too.
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